Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Solar Panel Installation Guide For Beginners

When we embark on a new path and embrace a change, we are bound to be a little suspicious as our mind contemplates various variables on its do's and dont's. However, the best thing one can do in the given situation is to attain reliable knowledge and be welcoming to opinions and suggestions from proficient sources. Similarly, solar panel home installation can be felt like a big assignment if you are new to experience its frontage and still discovering how a home solar power plant works. Here are four steps you can follow to use solar power in your home.

4 Steps Guidelines To Solar Plant Installation And Insights


The first step is to plan and list aspects you are looking for in your home solar power plant. Next, you have to plan your budget, reflecting how much solar energy you need following your usage and the number of appliances you want to connect. This will help you decide which solar plan will be best for your domestic use. Finally, you can check your electricity bills to notice how much energy in kilowatts your home consumes per month.


As you have planned to make up your mind to get a solar plant installation, the second step is to investigate and analyse a suitable plan that will fit the best companies or businesses providing services in your locality. As the project takes about 2 to 3 months, you must go for a specialist service provider that can easily aid at your convenience and as per your plan.


You have planned and contemplated factors associated with solar panel home installation. It is time to implement and execute the blueprint plan for your solar panel installation. This includes finding where you can set up solar panels. For instance, at your rooftop or terrace or veranda to examine correct positioning and many such things as -

  • To choose the right technology and installer
  • Check with your local protocols about proximity, registration and allowance, if any.
  • To decide if you want a battery, consider your energy consumption.

Scheduling / Booking

Now that all the required steps are followed, the last step remains to book and schedule your solar plant installation dates. Though you have made your plan for getting solar plant installation, there would still be many things you may need to alter and add up or adjust following what your plant installer suggests and directs.


So you are just these four steps away from living a sustainable lifestyle and chopping down your electricity bills. First, comply with your central and state government policies while installing panels. HomeScape Solar, an expert service provider, will undoubtedly take care of these things to ease your concerns. You can visit their website to check their services and comprehensive details for your solar power home installation plan. They will provide appropriate direction and are the experts in blending modern appliances with sustainable lifestyles

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

All About Rooftop Solar System & Its Benefits

The solar system is a system that is made to convert solar energy into electrical energy. In today’s world, people are swapping to rooftop solar systems to reduce carbon emissions and save the world from excess greenhouse gases. By absorbing the radiations of the sun, these rooftop solar systems store the sunlight and transfer them into useful energy which is used to generate electricity. Solar systems not only help us to save our environment but also reduce our high electricity bills.

Read More About: 1kw solar panel price

Rooftop solar systems are installed on the roofs of buildings. These can be used in industrial as well as residential areas. They have become more common in homes as people have become smarter and have started making the right choices. Sun is a natural energy source; thus, we can maximize our stored energy with these solar power plants. It does not cause any harm to society and is a one-time investment. Once you start using rooftop solar systems, you will get to know how beneficial they are and how much change they can bring in one’s life. We are not only helping us but also contributing to maintaining our nature’s good health. 

Read More About: 2kw solar panel price in india

Read More: Solar Panel System Subsidy in Rajasthan, 2022

How Rooftop Solar System  Works

The rooftop solar system is a smartly prepared system harnessed using photovoltaic technology to convert solar energy produced by the sun into electrical energy with the help of semiconductors. As soon as the sun’s rays strike the semiconductor which is present inside the PV cell, all the electrons inside it get free and the bars collect these electrons which generates electricity. When this rooftop solar system is placed in front of sunlight, it absorbs all the energy and starts producing current in the form of Direct Current (DC).  In equipment that requires AC current, an inverter is required to convert DC into AC, especially for home purposes. 

 There are different components of a rooftop solar system that combine together to form a complete system. 

1. Photovoltaic Panel- It has the most important role in a solar power plant. It consists of small solar cells. This panel is used to convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy.

2. Inverter- An inverter is used to convert the DC current produced into AC current used in houses. In grid power plants, there are protective devices linked with the inverter and it is also connected to a transformer to check the output voltage and frequency.

3. Energy storage devices- These are batteries whose work is to store electrical energy that have been generated from the power plants. They play a major role when there is no sunlight as the stored energy is used to generate more electricity and the devices at our homes are able to function properly.

4. Charge Controller- It works like a charger and is used to control charging of the battery. It is used to control the overcharging of the battery. This saves the electrolyte of the battery from getting damaged. 

5. System Balancing Component- This is used to make sure that the system works in a good condition and also the energy is utilized properly. Maximum output is also ensured by this system balancing component.

Also Read: Solar Panel System Subsidy in Madhya Pradesh, 2022

HomeScape- The Best Solar Company in Gurgaon 

Rooftop solar systems are used by more than half of the population now. HomeScape is one of the best companies. You can definitely trust on them as they provide amazing services. You will be more than satisfied with the results if you install rooftop solar systems from HomeScape in your homes. 

They believe in bringing a positive change in society and also helping their customers to reduce their electricity bills. It’s considered to be the best solar company in Gurgaon.